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Scientific Publications

Zarinah's google scholar profile

Lima CF, Lavan N, Evans S, Agnew Z, Halpern AR, Shanmugalingam P, Meekings S, Boebinger D, Ostarek M, McGettigan C, Warren JE, Scott SK. Feel the Noise: Relating Individual Differences in Auditory Imagery to the Structure and Function of Sensorimotor Systems. Cereb Cortex. 2015 Jun 19.

McGettigan C, Walsh E, Jessop R, Agnew ZK, Sauter DA, Warren JE, Scott SK. Individual differences in laughter perception reveal roles for mentalizing and sensorimotor systems in the evaluation of emotional authenticity. Cereb Cortex. 2015 Jan; 25(1):246-57.

Agnew ZK, van de Koot H, McGettigan C, Scott SK. Do sentences with unaccusative verbs involve syntactic movement? Evidence from neuroimaging. Lang Cogn Neurosci. 2014 29(9):1035-1045.

Kyong JS, Scott SK, Rosen S, Howe TB, Agnew ZK, McGettigan C. Exploring the roles of spectral detail and intonation contour in speech intelligibility: an FMRI study. J Cogn Neurosci. 2014 Aug; 26(8):1748-63.

McGettigan C, Eisner F, Agnew ZK, Manly T, Wisbey D, Scott SK. T'ain't what you say, it's the way that you say it--left insula and inferior frontal cortex work in interaction with superior temporal regions to control the performance of vocal impersonations. J Cogn Neurosci. 2013 Nov; 25(11):1875-86.

Agnew ZK, McGettigan C, Banks B, Scott SK. Articulatory movements modulate auditory responses to speech. Neuroimage. 2013 Jun; 73:191-9.

Agnew ZK, Wise RJ, Leech R. Dissociating object directed and non-object directed action in the human mirror system; implications for theories of motor simulation. PLoS One. 2012; 7(4):e32517.

Agnew ZK, McGettigan C, Scott SK. Discriminating between auditory and motor cortical responses to speech and nonspeech mouth sounds. J Cogn Neurosci. 2011 Dec; 23(12):4038-47.

McGettigan C, Evans S, Rosen S, Agnew ZK, Shah P, Scott SK. An application of univariate and multivariate approaches in FMRI to quantifying the hemispheric lateralization of acoustic and linguistic processes. J Cogn Neurosci. 2012 Mar; 24(3):636-52.

Agnew ZK, McGettigan C, Banks B, Scott SK. Articulatory movements modulate auditory responses to speech. Neuroimage. 2013 Jun;73:191-9.

McGettigan C, Agnew ZK, Scott SK. Are articulatory commands automatically and involuntarily activated during speech perception? Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2010 Mar 23; 107(12):E42

Tunstall B, Agnew ZK, Panzeri S, Gigg J. Naturalistic stimulus trains evoke reproducible subicular responses both within and between animals in vivo. Hippocampus. 2010 Feb; 20(2):252-63.

Elliott R, Agnew Z, Deakin JF. Hedonic and informational functions of the human orbitofrontal cortex. Cereb Cortex. 2010 Jan;20(1):198-204

Agnew Z, Wise RJ. Separate areas for mirror responses and agency within the parietal operculum. J Neurosci. 2008 Nov 19; 28(47):12268-73.

Agnew ZK, Brownsett S, Woodhead Z, de Boissezon X. A step forward for mirror neurons? Investigating the functional link between action execution and action observation in limb apraxia. J Neurosci. 2008 Jul 30; 28(31):7726-7.

Elliott R, Agnew Z, Deakin JF. Medial orbitofrontal cortex codes relative rather than absolute value of financial rewards in humans. Eur J Neurosci. 2008 May;27(9):2213-8

Agnew ZK, Bhakoo KK, Puri BK. The human mirror system: a motor resonance theory of mind-reading. Brain Res Rev. 2007 Jun; 54(2):286-93.

Z Agnew, CA Niziolek (2015) Sensory suppression during self made movements, In press/ In prep

Z Agnew, J Gill, R Ivry, S Nagarajan, JF Houde (2015) Feedback processing in cerebellar ataxia during vocalisation.

Z Agnew, L Ward, C McGettigan, O Josephs, SK Scott (2015), Distinct neural systems for the production of speech and emotional vocalisations.

Z Agnew, C McGettigan, B Banks, SK Scott, (2015) Individual variability in speech production under stress.

Z Agnew, M Banissy, C McGettigan, V Walsh, SK Scott, (2015) Investigating the neural basis of theta burst stimulation to premotor cortex on auditory perception of emotional vocalisations: A combined TMS-fMRI study.

Z Agnew, C McGettigan, SK Scott, (2015) How big is your bite? Evidence for a distorted internal representation of the articulators.

25.   Z Agnew, C McGettigan, SK Scott, (2015) Convergent processing observed actions and their auditory consequences in tempo-parietal junction

26.   Z Agnew, C McGettigan, SK Scott, (2015) Characterizing biological motion in the auditory domain